2024 Childrens Competitions

Alne Street Fayre 2024
Sunday 9th June 12.00—4.30 pm
Children’s Competitions
This year’s Street Fayre competitions are Olympic themed!
Competitions are free to enter, you can see your entry displayed on Church Wind or in the church during the fayre, and you could win a prize! (Rosettes awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place entries plus a small prize for 1st place).
Find your age group below and see which competitions you can enter.
This year, we have included secondary school age pupils!
For safety, Adult Help may be given with baking in competition 7
A—Children not yet at school
B—Reception to Year 2
C—Year 3 to Year 6
D—Secondary School
1. Colour the scene. Pictures can be downloaded from
or collected from Alne school/outside 5 Gale Road. If people print at home they should choose 'landscape' orientation' (Age groups A and B)
2. Olympic Rings Collage. Recreate the iconic Olympic Rings in collage form! Templates can be collected from Alne school/outside 5 Gale Road. (Age groups A, B and C)
3. A Flag for Alne! Imagine that Alne is entering its own team into the Olympics. We will need a flag for the opening ceremony—can you help? Draw or paint your design on a sheet of A4 size piece of paper, card or fabric. (Age groups B, C and D)
4. Medal Podium Scene. Create a podium scene with Gold, Silver and Bronze medal winners in your chosen event. Blank wooden characters can be collected from Alne school/outside 5 Gale Road - maximum of 3 per person.
(Age Groups B and C )
5. Create a Team Event. Use your imagination to come up with a brand new team event for the Alne Olympics. Name your event and describe the rules. If you wish, add some illustrations. (Age Groups B and C )
6. Newspaper Article. Write an article for the local newspaper describing the highlight of the Alne Olympics. No more than 500 words - this can be hand-written or typed and will be judged on content and not on presentation. (Age groups C and D)
7. Olympic Cupcakes. Bake and decorate 5 cupcakes in the Olympic colours (Blue, Black, Red, Yellow and Green). Use your imagination—you could use coloured sweets, coloured icing or coloured sprinkles! Plates may also be decorated! (Age Groups B, C and D)
Visit www.alnestreetfayre.co.uk for more information and find out what else will be going on at the Street Fayre in 2024.
Important bits.......please read!
- Entries should be brought to St Mary’s Church in Alne by Saturday 8th June, or brought into school by Friday 7th.
- All entries will be displayed on Church Wind/in the Church for the duration of the Street Fayre.
- Please make sure your name, school year and competition category number are clearly marked on your entry.
- The judge’s decision is final. Children’s entries should be all their own creation, except where help is needed with baking.
- Prizes will be awarded on the day and can be collected from the Church at 4.30pm.
- All entries should be collected from the Church between 4.30-5pm on the day of the Street Fayre.
- The names of prize winners will be displayed on the Street Fayre website.
If you have any queries about the competitions, please contact
Helen Dawson ([email protected], or call 838582).
Cupcake Recipe
A collection of icon and text items that can be added, removed and reordered.