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2024 "Calling All Bakers"!
Calling all Bakers, we need your Cakes and Scones!
Donations for the village hall teas at Alne Street Fayre would be greatly appreciated. Homemade or shop bought would be fantastic. Please could we also have a list of ingredients with the homemade items so we can advise on allergens.
Please email or call
[email protected]
Are you able to do an hour or two helping with the village hall teas? Sunday 9th June. Times available between 12 and 5
Volunteers for helping village teas: [email protected]
Tombola stall
Once again, the generosity of the people of Alne and beyond has been amazing with the donations for the prizes on the Alne Street Fayre Tombola stall. Thank you each and everyone who donated. All sorts of goodies await you and one of our top donations. There are so many other wonderful things to win, so bring your coins and you could be a winner.....
2024 The Lucky Duck Draw
Get your ducks!
Star Prize
Holiday Let Mini-Break for 6 people
Kindly provided by North Yorkshire Cottage Holidays.
2nd Prize £80, 3rd Prize £25, 4th Prize £15
Ducks are now on sale, with door to door around the area and will be on sale on the day of the Street Fayre.
Ducks only £2 each or 3 Ducks for £5 or 7 Ducks for £10.00
Andy Kitchman - Lucky Duck Operations [email protected]

2024: Any chipped or unwanted crockery?
One of the most popular Alne Street Fayre stall is the Crockery Smash! If you have any unwanted crockery we could use for the crockery smash, please email [email protected]

Queen's Award for Voluntary Service 2022 Alne Parish Leisure Association:
Alne Parish leisure Association is delighted to announce that they have been awarded the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service 2022. This is the MBE for volunteer groups.
This award is in recognition of 40 years of service by APLA to the community of Alne in establishing, running, maintaining and improving the sports and leisure facilities on the recreation ground in Alne.
Funding for all these activities comes mainly from the annual Alne Street Fayre which brings in many Alne volunteers in a large community effort which is host to some 2,000 people on the day.
Dr Robert Brech, Honorary Treasurer of APLA for all the 40 years, said:
“This represents a tremendous achievement and we hope that APLA’s many volunteers, both past and present, will feel immensely proud of it. While this award is in appreciation of the whole APLA volunteer community, we would like to take this opportunity to recognise the outstanding contribution over many years of APLA and Street Fayre Chairman Dennis Myers who sadly died last December.”
Suzi Rix, APLA Trustee and the virtuoso Operations Manager of Alne Street Fayre said:
”The most inspiring element of this organisation is how deeply rooted in the community it is. There are hundreds of volunteers making a plethora of different contributions. It is this variety and this co-operation that ensures the longevity and continued evolution of APLA. During the difficult last two years, the wide-open, free-to-access recreation spaces have been invaluable to the well-being of our village and the surrounding communities.”
Alne Parish Leisure Association
UK Charity No 516566 02-June-2022